John Ley endorsed by the Clark County Republican Party

June 16, 2024by John Ley0

The Clark County Republican party has formally endorsed John Ley as a candidate for the Washington State Legislature, 18th District Position 2.

     It’s vital that Clark County Conservatives vote our values, so I’ll be voting for John Ley for State Representative position 2. John is an effective and tireless advocate for conservative values. John has championed stopping light rail from coming to Clark County, fighting tolls, supporting economic opportunity for Clark County residents all while working hard to reduce taxes.  
     John Ley has a true servants heart and has been serving as our State Committeeman, while being THE foremost expert in the county making sure citizens voices are heard on the bridge replacement debacle. John is a valued member of the Clark County Republican Executive Board where his wisdom and grassroots “bottom up” message has served to encourage Clark County citizens to get involved and participate in taking back our community with conservative values. 
    John will hit the ground running on day one of his term. John Ley is approachable, engaged, and genuinely committed to serving the citizens of our wonderful county.
Please join me in voting for John Ley for State Representative Position 2.
Mark Cole
Director 18th Legislative District

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