The Interstate Bridge Plan will make congestion worse and will hurt neighborhoods.
The Interstate Bridge Plan will make congestion worse and will hurt neighborhoods.
Democrats allow convicted 3-strikes killer chance of freedom
John & Lars discuss another taxpayer contract for CRC manager David Evans and Associates.
Democrats allow convicted 3-strikes killer chance of freedom.
John & Lars talk about the doubling of the Rose Quarter project while providing no transportation benefit.
John Ley tells PCOs why he’s running.
John & Lars discuss first ODOT “Value Pricing” meeting on tolls, in Nov. 2017
John Ley at the Interstate Bridge, the "scene of the ongoing crime."
John Ley talks at the C-TRAN Board of Directors Meeting on July 12.
Greg Johnson, administrator of the Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) project, is either making it up as he goes, or intentionally misleading taxpayers and the Washington and Oregon lawmakers.