Vote Yes, Pay Less: John Ley on 4 Citizen Initiatives for November

September 7, 2024by John Ley0

In his latest 60 Seconds with John Ley video, John Ley delivers an important message to Washington State voters ahead of the upcoming November election. Four crucial citizen initiatives are on the ballot, and John urges everyone to vote “Yes” to “Pay Less” and improve the state’s future.

The first initiative aims to repeal the carbon tax, which has added a whopping $0.50 per gallon to your gas and diesel prices. Next, you’ll have the chance to opt out of the state’s long-term care plan, which many believe provides minimal benefits at a significant cost. Initiative 2109 seeks to eliminate the backdoor income tax, preventing an unfair financial burden on families. Lastly, John highlights the initiative to stop the hidden ban on natural gas, ensuring you can continue heating your home the way you choose.

John Ley encourages voters to visit to learn more about his campaign and the initiatives on the ballot this November. These are common-sense solutions designed to lower costs for Washingtonians and preserve personal freedoms. Let’s make Washington State great again!

Join John Ley in supporting these initiatives, and remember to vote “Yes” this November to save money and stand for the future of Washington.

Let’s Go Washington!


Hello folks, John Ley here out near the Costco on Andresen. Let’s Go Washington! This November you get the chance to vote to Vote Yes Play Less on four citizen initiatives. They will save you money. One will repeal the carbon tax that added $0.50 a gallon to your gas and diesel fuel. Another well give you the right to opt out of the long term care plan that offers such lousy benefits.

Another one? Let’s see. We’ve got 2109 that will eliminate the backdoor income tax. And finally, we stopped the hidden ban on natural gas for heating your homes. Go to to learn more about my battle to represent you and to support you in the citizen initiatives you’re going to get to vote on this coming November.

Let’s Go Washington and let’s make the state great again.

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© 2024 Paid for by Friends to Elect John Ley • P.O. Box 822041, Vancouver, WA 98682