Returning power to the people – 11 citizen initiatives to the legislature

June 13, 2022by John Ley1

Have you heard about the eleven initiatives to the legislature that will help return power to the people?: These initiatives make an effort some call “the Project to Restore WA.” You can learn more and read the specific language at Let’s Go Washington

The Project is 11 Initiatives to the Legislature. They are designed to fix much of what’s broken in Washington state.

We have until mid-December to collect around 380,000 signatures of registered Washington voters for each initiative. If we do, the initiatives are presented like bills to the state legislature. If it passes them, the Initiatives become law without the Governor’s signature–and are NOT subject to the Governor’s veto.

The 11 initiatives fall into 3 categories: Public Safety, Cost of Living and Good Governance..

Here they are:

Public Safety

I-1474: Restore Police Pursuit. “Don’t let the bad guys get away!”

I-1510: Make Hard Drugs Illegal Again. “There’s nothing compassionate about overdose deaths.”

I-1512: Keep Guns Away from Criminals. “Prosecute criminals, not law-abiding citizens.”

Cost of Living

I-1475: Trim Sales Tax 1%. “Keep more of your own money!”

I-1508: Cut State Gas Tax by 24.7 Cents a Gallon. “Save money when you fill up.”

I-1509: Property Tax Exemption of $250,000. “Make home ownership more affordable for everyone.”

I-1491: Repeal the Capital Gains Income Tax. “There is no greed worse than government greed.”

Good (Transparent) Government

I-1480: Emergency Powers Limit (30 Days). “Emergency Powers shouldn’t last forever.”

I-1495: K-12 Curriculum Transparency. “Our kids’ education should not be secret.”

I-1502: Electoral College Reform. “Make Washington state’s presidential vote matter!”

I-1505: WA Voter Protection Act. “A bi-partisan review of all election results.”

Call it a platform. Call it a “Contract with Washington.” Call it anything you like. It’s a common-sense list of needed reforms. And you don’t need to support all 11 to support the project. You can support some…you can support one…and still get involved!

This is a grassroots movement, with many groups helping. Three of those groups are: Restore WA, the WA State Tea Room and Let’s Go Washington! Click on each initiative number for more detailed information on each one..

Glen Morgan of “We the Governed” explains in more detail here.

In the words of Rep. Jim Walsh

Resist tyranny.

Do it happily — here’s a great platform!

Remember: peaceful non-compliance with bad law is a powerful tool.

One comment

  • Mary Duncan

    June 15, 2022 at 6:11 am

    I agree we need to get back to peoples voice being heard


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